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Have you been scammed by exocpm.com?

We would like to warn against dealing with this website after having recently investigated the website and company operating as exocpm.com. We are aware that exocpm.com also operated under the domains exocpm.wordpress.com and exocapitalmarkets.wixsite.com. The company also states it is associated with the operations of Trade12.

Scam alert for EXO Capital Management

Have you been scammed by exocpm.wordpress.com and exocapitalmarkets.wixsite.com? The current website is now down, however it did previously claim that EXO Capital Markets Ltd. was formed in early 2014 and that it was operated by a team of financial leaders and innovators who accounted for years of experience and expertise in the industry. The operators claimed that EXO Capital Management offered a wide array of reliable, secure, and competitive financial services to over 100 countries.

The website stated the company operated from Ajeltake Road, Trust Company Complex, MH 96960, Ajeltake Island – Majuro, Marshall Islands with phone number 1-888-398-0174 and email address [email protected].

Clear red flags

The operations of EXO Capital Markets are sophisticated, and the various websites appear completely legitimate. However, there are many common red flags surrounding the website: firstly, there is no mention of any employee or owner of the company. It remains faceless and, if you cannot figure out who owns the company or the names of anyone employed there, it’s time to have a rethink about dealing with the website.

EXO Capital Management claims to be operating under the company EXO Capital Markets Ltd. located at Ajeltake Road, Trust Company Complex, MH 96960, Ajeltake Island – Majuro, Marshall Islands. We can confirm that this is true: it is a registered company there. BUT just because it is a registered company, this certainly does not mean your investment is safe with them.

It is important to note that there are legitimate websites and companies which similar to EXO Capital Markets. The scammers operating EXO Capital Markets purposefully name their company and website in a way that deliberately confuses potential victims due to the similarity with a legitimate company.

How can Cybertrace help?

We have seen many comprehensive reviews where EXO Capital Markets has been investigated, including Fintelegram. In this review, you will a great deal of detail relating to the operations of EXO Capital Markets and associated companies and websites. Whilst we’ve seen comprehensive reviews of EXO Capital Management, none appear to have identified who is actually responsible for the scam. That is where we are different. Cybertrace have collected extensive intelligence holdings on EXO Capital Management and the global network of criminal operations. For example, we know the names of several Israelis, who were the key operators of the EXO Capital Management. These individuals continue to operate other scam websites including fsmsmart.com, mxtrader.com and profitix.com.

The first step to recovering your money is identifying who is responsible. Cybertrace’s team of investigators have the skills to unveil the network and those responsible for the scam website. If you have been scammed by EXO Capital Management, then contact us today to discuss how we can help you.

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  • KEN 3 years ago


    I hope this message finds you well. To be as concise as possible, I was approached by this company named either Exo Capital Markets Ltd or just Capital Markets Ltd which claims to be a company that deals with the recovery of one’s investment presumably lost in the financial market due to negative trading positions. The accumulative funds I have spent as a fee to recover this investment is approximately $7,800. The recovery agents (Sam Peter and Dan) were still in contact with me until about a week ago and they seemed legitimate at first but I soon become skeptical of them once it came to the actual process of recovering the funds. Their explanations on this seem to be very incoherent and that is why I decided to seek your assistance to find out if indeed this company does exist and if so, what can be done about the funds that I have seemingly been defrauded. Below, I have provided some of the contact details of the recovery agents as well as the company’s email address; hope this helps:

    Sam Peter desk number: +1-351-207-1415
    Dan desk number: +44-7537-175345
    Company email: [email protected]

    Thank you very much for your consideration in advance and truly hope you will be able to assist.

    Kind Regard

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